Nick Hatter - As Seen in HuffPost, Evening Standard, Bustle
Nick Hatter - As Seen in Entrepreneur, Vogue and Yahoo Lifestyle

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What Experts say

Trusted by therapists, psychologists and doctors

London Life Coach Nick Hatter's client Dr Mark Holmes London Life Coach Nick Hatter's client Dr Kate Brierton London Life Coach Nick Hatter's client Luise Sargent

Enough is enough.
Hire a life coach.

This time you are going to make it happen! Except you said that last year.

And the year before that.

You have tried everything from self-help, meditation and therapy, to yoga.

"Why am I still stuck in life?", you ask.

You feel trapped in your own mental prison.

The good news is that Nick has helped everyone from musicians, actors, CEOs, psychiatrists, authors to ex-military break out of their prisons and unlock their full potential.

And he can do the same for you; he can help you find the key to your own prison.

See prices →

50+ Five-star Reviews

Nick has 50+ five-star reviews across Google and Trustpilot, making him one of the highest-rated life coaches in the UK.

Many of Nick's clients have found working with him extremely beneficial and life-changing, often achieving fantastic results within 6 to 12 sessions.

Read client reviews →

Coaching or therapy?
Or both?

Therapeutic life coaching combines the best of coaching and therapy and helps you:

  • Process and heal past hurt and strong emotions
  • Go from surviving to thriving
  • Gain greater clarity and understanding
  • Removing obstacles to your objectives
  • Transform insight into action
  • Create and live the life you want

Nick's signature coaching uses a range of tools from FUSION® Therapeutic Coaching, Human Givens Psychotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming to Psychodynamics (exploration of unconscious motivations) and Positive Psychology.

Read how it works →

Overnight breakthroughs

On paper, you look successful. Perhaps you attend therapy and meditate regularly.

But, deep down, you have a terrible secret: you are deeply unsatisfied.

You may be looking for:

  • Your dream career
  • Empowering confidence
  • Healthy relationships
  • Addiction recovery
  • Prosperity and fulfilment

The good news is that while people progress at different speeds, many of Nick's clients have had overnight breakthroughs.

See Google reviews →

Your greatest investment

When you buy coaching from Nick, you are making an investment of a lifetime.

You also get so much more than just coaching sessions.

All programmes include:

  • PERSONALISATION: A tailored programme to you and your goals
  • TRANSFORMATION: Destroy limiting beliefs that have held you back for years
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Growth actions set after sessions to help move you forward
  • FLEXIBILITY: Sessions (F2F or online) that fit with your lifestyle and schedule
  • RAPID INSIGHTS: Discover character weaknesses with psychometric testing

See packages and prices →

Up to 95% success rate

You keeping making promises to yourself, only to find them broken again and again.

You procrastinate and you hate yourself for it. Fear not. This is where Nick can help.

Studies show accountability appointments with someone you commit to provides up to 95% chance of achieving a goal.

No more. It is time for a change. You know you are capable of more.

Hire Nick today →

Psychology. Compassion. Experience.

You may have seen therapists before, only to find they were theoretical and focused too much on the past.

You may have seen "healers" and "gurus", only to find they were charlatans.

You want not only deep insights but actual positive changes.

Unlike other approaches, Nick's coaching is grounded in practical psychology, compassion and a wealth of valuable personal experience.

Nick has training and certifications in life coaching, psychodynamics, Co-Active Coaching and takes ongoing professional development seriously.

No matter where you are in your journey, Nick will treat you with the utmost professional respect and courtesy.

See Nick's bio →

Transform today

Start with a an initial consultation to discover what is keeping you stuck and to see if you have good chemistry with Nick.

You can meet Nick online via Zoom at your own convenience.
Please note that Nick is no longer doing consultations in
Notting Hill, London.


Still unsure?

If by now you are not sure whether or not you need a life coach, here some reflective and insightful questions to ask yourself are:

  • How long have I been stuck for?
  • How much have my problems cost me?
  • What would life be like if I could overcome my problems?
  • Have I been unable to move forward using my own willpower?
  • Am I willing to try something different?

The Definition of Insanity

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it 'fate'."
- Carl Jung

Life Coaching is about doing and thinking in new ways that you would not have done before. It is about raising your conscious awareness so that you can see what is stopping you from realising your full potential - and then transforming insight into action.

Unfortunately, until you have someone point out where you are tripping up, you may be doomed to repeat the same patterns forever! Thankfully, a good coach will be able to help you spot where you might be going wrong and will help you to transform your thinking and behaviour.

Using the Enneagram and psychodynamics, Nick will be able to help point out your unconscious motivations and beliefs that are causing you to act on auto-pilot and possibly even sabotage yourself.

Stop the insanity today →

More on Life Coaching

Life coaching incorporates all areas including your career, confidence, dating and well-being.

The Process →

London and International

Nick coaches clients from London, the UK and internationally over Zoom.

You can be coached anywhere as long as you have a working phone or internet connection.

Free weekly life coaching

And four powerful tips to transform your life.

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