From insight to action
Therapeutic life coaching is the process of moving you from A to B - from your current situation to your objectives.
Nick does this by asking powerful questions and using various techniques such as from:
- FUSION® Therapeutic Coaching
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & Coaching (CBT/C)
- Human Givens Psychotherapy
- Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Psychodynamics (exploration of unconscious motivations and processes)
- Positive Psychology
- Guided Imagery & Visualisation
It may also involve the therapeutic coach sharing their wisdom, experience and understanding of human behaviour where relevant.
Of course, not all coaching is about external action and it can be about the change of perspectives and beliefs for personal transformation and growth.

A history of coaching
The history of the word "coach" goes back to the 15th Century to the village of Kocs (pronounced "koach") in Budapest, which transformed the transport industry in making a new, lighter and more rapid type of carriage.
The village of Kocs ended up being associated with travelling from one place to another in a rapid and efficient way. And thus, "coaching" is born.
Life coaching is also an old profession and has been around for centuries - only we did not call them "life coaches" or "therapists", but rather, teachers or philosophers.
From Jesus of Nazareth, Plato, Aristotle to Socrates, they would all be considered life coaches today as they:
- Asked powerful questions
- Gave incredible insight into life and human behaviour
- Helped and supported others
- Shared wisdom and used techniques such as metaphors to change people's beliefs